Thank you for your support of Cayce United Methodist Church!
Online Giving allows you to make contributions to our church without writing checks or worrying about cash donations.
As you give financially to Cayce UMC, you are fueling our mission to engage our world with genuine spiritual life. Our financial partnership with God and each other promises to increase our faith and expand our redemptive influence in Cayce and beyond. Thank you for prayerfully locking arms to fulfill the ministry God has entrusted to our community of faith.
Online giving is available for one-time gifts or as a scheduled, recurring contribution. If you haven’t already done so, simply create a web user account. You may then give a one-time gift or you may add, edit or delete your scheduled transactions at your convenience online. You may also review your giving history through this access point. God has called all of his followers to be good stewards of what he has entrusted them with.